You’ve come all this way in the recruitment process. You’ve sent through your CV, and you’ve received that all-important phone call for an interview. Great! Now what?
Interviews are integral as it is your opportunity to market and sell yourself to your potential new employers, and state why YOU are the best fit for the job. It is also your opportunity to gather useful information about a potential employer to see how well you will fit within their business.
Ultimately, the way you respond to an employer’s invitation to interview, interact with staff whilst in the office, and your ability to stay focused and relaxed, will undoubtedly play a part in communicating what YOU are all about.
Here are a few handy little tips to help you nail that interview and get you on your way to landing that job.
There is a saying that goes ‘if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. Preparation is crucial in giving a good first impression to your potential employer. Make sure that you first mentally prepare for the interview. This includes gaining a detailed understanding of what your role will entail, what the organisation does, and the team that you will be working with. Using sources such as LinkedIn, Instagram, as well as the company website, press releases and annual reports, will assist you in understanding how the company operates. Additionally, you should take the opportunity to learn about its history, areas of growth and financial performance, as well as its own managerial culture and how it may potentially align with your own values.

Preparation doesn’t just stop at learning about the company. Self-reflection is extremely important. Try and list all of your experiences, all of your skills that you’ve developed, your professional achievements, your goals and aspirations, and how all of these make up the person you are today. Be sure to list your key characteristics, skills and capabilities, as well as what interests you most about the role and how you can assist the organisation in meeting their goals, as the interviewer is certain to ask you to tell them about yourself. A really great way to show your interest in the role is to prepare your own questions to ask in the interview.The best thing you can do in an interview is to correlate the fit between your capabilities, personality and goals, and the culture, offering and requirements of the organisation. Why should YOU be picked for the role?
What makes YOU stand out from other potential candidates?Mental preparation is key, but so is physical preparation. Get a good night’s sleep so you are well rested for the next day, and make sure you have all your items ready to go. Look up where your interview is taking place, and ensure you are aware of how to get there. If travelling by public transport, allow extra time in case of delays.

Dress to Impress:
Unless specified by your interviewer, make sure that you are dressed in business attire. This includes clean, ironed clothes and clean shoes. Be sure to look as presentable as you can. Regarding perfume and cologne, only use one spray as an overpowering smell can negatively impact on your interviewer.
Before you leave:
Give yourself adequate time to review your notes and run through the specific points you wish to make, and leave early enough to arrive at your interview a few minutes head of time.
Final little tips:
Make sure you turn your phone to silent, give yourself time to compose yourself through simple breathing techniques to calm yourself down, and tidy yourself up, checking your face, clothes and hair. When you’re finally face to face with the interviewer, greet them by name, firmly shake their hand and most importantly, smile! Your first impression is crucial.Good luck! :)