Graduating from your degree is always a special time to celebrate the dedication it takes to complete your hard work. For many, it might be a time where the celebration is met with confusion and anxiety about how to begin the next step outward into the workforce. A way to overcome this feeling of unease or uncertainty about locking down future employment is to choose an IT internship before graduation.
When you graduate from your degree and your CV shows that you’ve completed a reputable IT internship while balancing your IT degree, it instantly puts your foot in the door ahead of your peers. So what are you waiting for? Here are 3 advantageous reasons to choose IT internships in Australia before your graduation:
1. You can get ahead in your career
When current IT professionals graduated from their programs, they were in the same spot as you: starting out as a small fish in a big pond, so to speak. Everyone who graduates will have to find their way through the professional world, and some might not even know where to begin taking their first step. An internship in IT can give you this opportunity to support your journey. The IT industry is such a specialised sector that professionals often sharpen their expertise within skills that are necessary for a particular role. For example, IT has front-facing roles like technicians, who assist people with technological problems. UX Developer roles require heightened communication skills and the ability to engage with key stakeholders. Software Developer roles are more independent and need logical thinking skills as well as precision and patience. Systems Operator roles are undertaken by people who are highly conscientious and detail-oriented. So much variation of job descriptions exist within the realm of IT, and it’s all waiting for you to explore before you finish your degree. Give yourself the best graduation present by already having experienced the real world of IT through an internship.

2. Internships can boost your university grades
Internships are highly beneficial for your career in the long run, but many people forget that they’re also beneficial for your current studies. A wide range of degrees and certifications require an external practicum or placement in order to fulfil the requirements of the course before you can graduate, and IT internships can potentially give you extra credit. Imagine if a project you worked on during your internship program required one of the skills needed for a future assignment! You would already be in practise and when it comes to learning in the classroom, extending and refining your skills and knowledge will make you a stand out candidate in future. Too often people who are about to graduate forget about the practical side of their degree and only focus on soaking up the information related to acquiring knowledge. Adopting a learning by doing mentality can open your world up to so many opportunities that await you during an IT internship in Australia.
3. Internships are flexible to suit your needs
The workplace culture in Australia has become more and more in tune with the needs of employees, and flexible working arrangements are more and more common as we integrate into the post-covid sphere. As internships are a valid way for you to get work experience in IT, many placements have the option to be flexible depending on what you’re looking to get out of an internship. In terms of the timing and scheduling, internships can either be full-time or part-time. This can give IT students the opportunity to balance their studies with an internship program, or like a full-time job to get you started after graduation. Internships pride themselves on being flexible, which also includes the potential option to pursue remote opportunities.
Most IT jobs like Web Development and Software Engineering can be completed from anywhere around the country, provided you have access to the internet and the technical equipment. Just interested in doing an internship during your uni holidays to freshen up your skills and gain some new ones while you’re at it? Many opportunities for summer placements in the IT industry are on the horizon for you.

Three reasons to choose an IT internship before graduation include putting yourself in a better position for job prospects, the opportunity to potentially incorporate your internship with your studies, and the flexibility of an internship delivery. All of these points mean that you can only benefit from doing an internship, and the future is only bound by your imagination. You can feel secure in knowing that you have already taken the necessary steps to put the gears of your IT career in motion before your studies are completed.
Want to know more about the ins and outs of doing internships in IT or looking for current internship vacancies? Check out Premium Graduate Placements for more.